Jianwei Liu | 刘健为


I am an experienced roboticist and currently a PhD student (Sep. 2022 - 2027), working with Prof. Dimitrios Kanoulas at the RPL lab and the Foundational AI CDT at University College London. My current research direction involves utilising Generative ML models (e.g. diffusion models) and Neuromorphic learning for planning for legged robots. I’m also interested in exploring topics such as continual learning and open-endness.

Prior to starting the PhD, I obtained a MEng in Biomedical Engineering from Imperial College London, a MSc in Robotics and Computation from UCL, and worked in industry as a robotics software engineer on off-shore NDT inspection robots and construction robots (see past projects here).

selected publications

  1. 2024_IROS_Dippest.jpg
    DiPPeST: Diffusion-based Path Planner for Synthesizing Trajectories Applied on Quadruped Robots
    Maria Stamatopoulou*Jianwei Liu*, and Dimitrios Kanoulas
    In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2024
  2. 2024_ICRA_Dipper_Graphical_abstract.png
    DiPPeR: Diffusion-based 2D Path Planner applied on Legged Robots
    Jianwei Liu*, Maria Stamatopoulou*, and Dimitrios Kanoulas
    In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2024
  3. 2023_Humanoids_ViT_A_star.png
    ViT-A*: Legged Robot Path Planning using Vision Transformer A*
    Jianwei Liu*, Shirui Lyu*, Denis Hadjivelichkov, Valerio Modugno, and Dimitrios Kanoulas
    In 2023 IEEE-RAS 22nd International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), 2023
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selected projects